The 5 Senses

I have been ask to write about my five favourite things following on from Barbara’s five. Whilst thinking that this must be an easy topic, I found myself struggling when I realised I have many favourite things! There are a lot of things that makes me happy. Tea is one of them, but that won’t be useful here hey?

So to cut my list short and to make this article to be somewhat ‘architecturally based’, I ask myself, ‘What products brings me joy now?’  What are my go- to products or items that flashes through my mind when I’m processing a thought for something.  I then noticed that my  natural reaction to those products  would have a direct correlation to the senses. I  suppose when something is similarly admired from one person to the next, it is said  “Oh he’s got good taste!”.

Similar to Barbara, I find that teasing out a client’s ‘taste’ for what they like and do not like to be an interesting process. It then allows us to tailor their needs into creating a beautiful environment that I think they will inherently enjoy.

Without going any much further, for this week, let me share with you how my senses have helped me in selecting these 5 products and why I simply like them.

  1. Sense of Sight:    Velux Skylight

We often associate sight with light. In its right context, a brightly lighted space is a far more inviting space than a dark one. Light often gives the illusion of vastness, thus making an area appear bigger, and of course, light allows you to be able to see!

A common problem in most renovations usually comes from the lack of natural light a space is getting. Clients would often approach us in wanting to “open up the space”, or some would say, “please let the light in”. So, taking aside better space planning, (which is usually the problem in the first place) one of the easiest methods to achieve more natural light in a space is by introducing skylights!


the 5 senses Velux skylight favourite things BY Projects Melbourne architect


  1. Hear:     Self Closing Drawers and Hinges

Can’t stand the sound of slamming doors and drawers? Because I for one definitely cannot, and a great resolution to this is BLUM’s self closing fittings. I am a great advocate for there work, especially when it involves peace and quiet!


  1. Taste:  Miele integrated kitchen units,  Miele Oven and  Fridge.

Miele is a widely recognised kitchen appliance brand. While it is no secret that it is on the pricier end with other competitive brands being more affordable, I can’t deny how I’d simply love my  Miele oven at home. Its easy to programme &  cooks well. Which only means, food taste well too!

Mine is not an integrated unit, but here’s one of our projects which has included the full range. And we are yet to hear any complaints!


the 5 senses miele appliences favourite things by project melbourne architects




  1. Smell:  A Low to Zero VOC Paint range.

If you’ve ever done a painting job, you’ll certainly remember the horrible smell during and after its application that makes you wait for days before being able to use the space. That is the smell of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). The smell produced by these toxic chemicals is triggering your senses as alarms to make you stay away from them.  Luckily, a lot of research  and testing has been done with modified or Low VOC paints being now made available for the Australian market.

Without singling out one specific brand name, the website link below shows the ‘ECO-priority guide’ to Paints for the Australian market. It basically lists the brands and the chemical & impacts each range carries. This table helps in the decision making process best suited for your projects.


  1. Touch:

    Aahhhhhhh touch. We desire it from the moment we were born and there is just so much to write about it! So focusing back on things, touch can certainly reveal a product in many forms. For instance, the softness and plushness of a good quality carpet to the buttery leather feels of a sofa, to a humanistic feel that oozes out from filling up a solid timber cabinetry or furniture.

So today, I’ll end my blog with my very favourite item of the day.

An item that comforts me when I hold it, every day, without fail.

It is my tea mug.

The solid circular shape of the vessel, the feel of strength of the ceramic and the soft colour  always makes me slightly gleeful when I take a sip.

Its warmth (obviously from the tea)  is assuring me that I go on for another couple of hours. No matter how hard a day can be, nothing than a tea in your favourite tea mug wont cure.. Life simple pleasures.

the 5 senses ceramic tea mug favourite things BY projects melbourne architecture.

Nurul Sedek

Project Architect
BY Projects Architecture








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