House Design in Melbourne for Everyone

Melbourne is a big place, a cosmopolitan city, Australian through and through and yet proudly diverse. Because that’s what it means to be Australian now. When it comes to a house designer, Melbourne homeowners need an architectural practice that operates in a modern, thinking way, believes in giving everyone a fair deal and takes individual requirements seriously.

BY Projects Architecture is based on the more than 30 years’ experience of its founder, Barbara Yerondais, along with team members who each bring their own fresh ideas and progressive attitude to the table, making sure that it is all about catering for the individual. We don’t do easy, production line design because we believe everyone deserves a home tailored to their requirements, and that varies from person to person.

We are passionate about social inclusion; we believe in the importance of social housing and are just as committed to producing the goods for a small residential or commercial unit as we are to masterminding prestigious developments. We deliver on time and on budget – surely the basis of good business in any sphere, but sadly not to be taken for granted in this day and age.


What Constitutes Great Home Layout Design in Melbourne?

It can vary, that’s the whole point, but the result for the customer is the same: a sound, high-quality building with all the convenience and efficiency available to us in these high-tech times. Just as important, though, is designing a building so that it takes advantage of local conditions. If you’re thinking about ventilation, for instance, there is a wonderful natural resource called wind. If it’s the warmth you’re after, the sun does a pretty good job, and in both cases, the way you position the building and the way you lay it out inside can harness these free phenomena. The sun can also provide you with power if you’ve got a roof surface facing the right way.

An interesting fact about solar power which not everyone appreciates is that it is the light that does the trick, not the heat, so although the popular image of solar farms might be of banks of panels baking in the sun, conditions don’t have to be sweltering to make the magic happen.

Sustainability and How We Maintain

Regarding sustainability architecture, using locally sourced materials whenever possible is good not just for the local economy but for the environment too. The less distance something has to travel, the smaller the carbon footprint it makes, thereby using less energy, and there is energy involved in the next point, too. Human energy.

Maintenance is something that has to be addressed to keep a building operating efficiently, and this can be onerous, or it can be relatively easy. Again, this can come down to design. A low-maintenance home is one that has been specifically thought out and set up to require less effort to keep it ticking over, and there are obvious benefits here for older people and those with health issues or limited mobility.

As an architectural practice that looks at the big picture, we take these sorts of things into account, depending on the circumstances of our clients.

Free design consultation

Our process

At BY Projects Architecture, our approach emphasises Superior Design and Teamwork with our clients at every step of the process. From selecting the perfect site and conducting comprehensive feasibility studies to expert Urban Design and Master Planning, we seamlessly blend all phases of design, interior decoration, and thorough documentation for both private and public sector projects. Our goal is to perfectly capture our client's vision through comprehensive project management services, making us the ideal partner for community and development projects.

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